Saturday, February 16, 2013


It's been a long time since I blog. Well, the purpose of me blogging today is to rant.
Grr. I know, I shouldn't be sitting in front of my laptop now typing this whole text and yes, I am aware of my poor English grammar and vocabulary (rolled eyes) but, since I'm in a confused and feel-like-ranting state now, I DUN CARE.

So, yea, this is my STRESS face now.

lolol. I know I look horrible and cui. Butbut, who cares seriously.

Alright, and today, I really have got a big challenge from God. He spoke to me in every way and using the people around me. I am so blessed by Him. His love for us; never fails. Through difficult times, He was there. He is still here for me and I know He will always be here. I have never felt very burden as in, some people out there are feeling very stressful and stuffs. I do have my stressful times and etc like everyone on the street does. But, I guess, I'm pretty fine. As in, I don't seems to be as stressful and as burden as certain people because I surrender everything to God. I surrender EVERY SINGLE THING to the mighty one and only God. I know that He will give me the best solution and what I need to do is to just obey Him. Yes. So simple. Just have that faith and trust of His plan. WHY SO DIFFICULT? He send His one and only Son to die for us and why? Because He loves us. JUST SO SIMPLE.

So, anyway, God just spoke to me and I just want to type it out. I don't know exactly what, why, when, who, how and so but I just feel like typing even if it does not make sense and it does not link, even with the super poor grammar and vocab, I just feel like typing.

And so, I can't wait to read the word tonight and I shall just let God handle everything. Bcos, He will handle it for us and He will give us the best. :') I love you Lord.

Quiet rainy days; seek God.

Have faith. Just have faith and God will show you His plan.