Thursday, May 30, 2013

This is a story.

Today, I pictured a story to myself. The story goes like this.

It's a simple story of a girl and a boy.

One night, the girl attended this random event.
She met this boy in the event. Because it's dark, the girl did not catch the features of the boy. But the boy took notice of the girl. He walked over and introduced himself.
After the event, the girl totally forgot about the boy. But the boy remembered her. He even remembered how she caught his eyes and what she was wearing despite it was dark.

One morning, the girl met the boy in another event.
She start to take notice of the boy.
Soon, they became friends. They talked day and night and encouraged one another. They helped one another. Very quickly, feelings developed.
Stopped. One day, everything just stopped.

It's painful to go through all these. From the beginning till now. The time is short but the journey was long. How it started, how it progress, how they realized, how they love, how they cried, how they panic, how they fell, how they wounded themselves, how they stood up, how they hang on, how they hold on, how they struggled and lastly, how they ended and how they move on.
This is a long long journey isn't it?

Sometimes I wondered to myself, why must it be like this. Then I know that it's God. He is molding us. He wants us to grow. Grow to someone stronger to face the battlefield outside this scary world. 
Even someone close to your heart will leave one day.
So what have you learnt? Shouldn't us cherish what we have now? Let's not hold on too tight with the things that we'll lose one day - they are temporarily. Let's hold on to the eternity and lets give our best and never let go to what will last forever. 

God will give you the one that is best for you. He will provide.
Everyone will leave but God, He won't.
He'll never leave you nor forsake you.