Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Review of 2013.

Been really busy lately.
Nevertheless, I would still wish everyone here, HAPPY 2014.

Despite being busy, I do still take some time off to review on my 2013 and I realized how small I am and how big my God is.

I realized how blessed I am every single day.
Being able to wake up and find myself alive, is already a blessing. However, waking up and find my love ones are alive is a greater blessing. Though it's simple and small, it's still a blessing from God isn't it?
I thank God that I'm able to walk through my 2013 in God's grace and mercy, I'm able to breeze through God's given trials with God walking so closely by my side. Though I failed some trials but I am thankful that though I fell, God still picked me up from where I tripped over, carry me on His shoulder and show me the way to a brighter light.
Everyday is a challenged from God. It is up to you if you want to picked up that challenge that God gave. Picking it up is easy, going through that challenge is tough but don't ever forget,

Hence, at the end of my 2013, I declare, though I am small, I am serving a big, tough and strong God. I love you Heavenly Daddy.

"Take one day off my dear friends. Look around you and see how blessed you are to have your friends and family by your side. Soak yourself in the presence of God and experience how good God has been to you. How blessed you are and start to appreciate them before you lose them."

Well, let me end this post with me and my coussy.